My House, Your House

Pleased to announce we have been successful with two grants to support our upcoming project with Sydney Fringe : My House, Your House (Mi Casa, Tu Casa): a simultaneous trans-global dance and digital technology performance in Mexico and Australia.

Thanks COALAR (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) and the Australia Council for helping this project to be realised.

And also big thanks to the Sydney and Guadalajara artists involved!

Space Play launched November 2021

Please to say we managed one last major new work for 2021. Over 6,000 people in Adelaide participated in our new work Space Play as part of Science Alive in late November 2021!

2021 Update!

Sad to say , thanks to COVID it looks like the last of our gigs for 2021 has just been postponed. We had some great things happening, Condobolin SkyFest, teaching at NAISDA, a wonderful installation in Cardinia, a spectacular show at Bundanon, and then to finish off the year a massive installation at the Avalon Airshow..... oh well.... onwards we go to 2022. Hope everyone is doing ok out there in various stages of lockdown in Australia and New Zealand. Here is a photo from February when we had over 20,000 people come and see our show Mountain. One day live shows will be possible again!


Mountain overall winner for Innovation Award!

Pleased to announce that our theatre production of Mountain was the overall winner of the Innovation Award for the Adelaide Festival Fringe. The Southern hemispheres largest arts festival. Well done Mountain team. A huge number of artists have contributed to this work. Thank you one and all!


Mountain in Adelaide!

Very pleased to announce that our show Mountain is off to the Adelaide Fringe shortly! We are at the RCC Festival Club on the main container stage! Five weeks of performances from the 19th February till the 21st March. Drop in and say hi!

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Layer November 13th and 14th!

Layer is on this weekend in Sydney. Tickets are selling fast so book now via Brand X!

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Our new work "Layer" to premiere late 2020!

“Layer” is a dance / physical theatre work co-conceived by Stalker and Box of Birds artists : David Clarkson, Matt Hughes, Andrew Johnston, Margie Breen, Boris Bagattini, Andrew Bluff, composer Peter Kennard and dancers Katina Olsen & Cloe Fournier.

This team has recently been joined by partners in the Netherlands : SHelfish Productions and The Grand Theatre in Groningen.

“Layer” will premiere in late 2020, thanks to support from: Epic Games, The Australia Council, The City of Sydney, Brand X and the Prins Bernhard Fonds/ Cultuurmakers (Netherlands) .

 “Layer” dances the story of three woman, each alone and isolated with multiple cultural identities. Indigenous/ non-indigenous/ Australian/ European. They encounter multiple replications (or layers) of themselves in real, virtual, fragmented and augmented selves. It artistically explores notions of replication of self- identity, isolation, play and the pleasures and fears we stumble upon in our socially distanced COVID selves.

 “Layer” will develop a number of technical innovations to allow the theatre work to be presented both live as well as online, simultaneously in the Netherlands and Australia. “Layer” will also to be digitally interactive both for its performers and for its audience.

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Success with Epic Games Mega Grant!

Pleased to announce that Stalker’s Box of Birds team just received an Epic Games MegaGrant for our outstanding developments in the Digital / Live Performance interface!
It’s fantastic news for us due to the challenges of live performance during COVID times. Thanks Epic Games!

Check out our Box of Birds website @.

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Full length historical Videos for COVID Times!

Full length historical Videos for COVID Times!

In this time of COVID, a few of Stalkers historical shows in full length for you to while away the hours for your viewing pleasure. Some of them are a bit roughly shot, and perhaps lack some credits, as they were originally uploaded for company viewing. But here they are made public for the first time!

 Red (2004) An outdoor physical theatre work about the end of the world, when the sun turns into a Red Giant

 MirrorMirror (2009) an indoor physical theatre/ dance work about personal notions of ending and mortality.

 Encoded (2011) An indoor physical theatre / dance work exploring humanity’s digital future.

 Pixel Mountain (Bogota 2018) Originally an outdoor work (2013), reflecting on the contrast between South Koreas and the worlds- past and post-modern industrial future.  Here it is- presented indoors in Bogota at the Iberamericano Festival at the Leon DE Graff auditorium in Colombia. 16,000 people saw this work over four days!


Mountain (2018) Mountain was a rework of Pixel Mountain in an Australian context. A physical theatre work reflecting on the contrast between Australia's love of nature, versus its obsession with its digital future.

 Frameshift- an outdoor physical theatre work- with a combination of Australian and South Korean aerialists  and South Korean break dancers . Frameshift reflects on the past, present and future of Seoul.

 And here are some shorter clips of some of our street shows:

Four Riders (2001) A street theatre work reflecting on the  End of the world according to the Bible.

 Elevate (2010) Street theatre : Break dancing- stilt- aerial- fusion work!

 Stilt Break (2007) Break dancing- stilt-  fusion work!